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27, Jul 2022
DNS outage – Definition and Details

DNS outage is the time when your Domain Name System goes down for any reason (your nameservers are hit, overloaded, etc. ), and the server can’t resolve your domain name to its IP address. The first step in entering a website is to resolve the DNS. Without it, the browser won’t know where your website is located, and it won’t be able to find its content. In addition, visitors who want to access your domain will see an error message and cannot access your site.

How to avoid DNS downtime?

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10, Mar 2022
What does a DDoS attack mean?

What exactly is a DDoS attack?

A DDoS or Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack is a form of cyber attempt. It means that the goal of a DDoS assault is to overload a server, computer, or network with massive amounts of traffic generated from various sources. Then, when the target fails, its services or access to it for regular users is denied.

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